

mail: info@gaigo.co.jp  tel: 03-5646-5324

30 社会科学 / 31 政治・法律

00 新刊・新発売


SO 「在庫限り」のDVD

07 ジャーナリズム・マスコミ
10 哲学   
14 心理学  
15 倫理学  
16 宗教   
20 歴史   
21 博物館学
29 地理・地誌・紀行

30 社会科学 
31 政治・法律
32 経済   
33 経営   
37 教育   
38 文化人類学
39 国防・軍事
41 数学
42 物理学  
43 化学
44 天文学・宇宙科学
45 地球科学・地学
46 生物科学・一般生物学
49 医学・薬学
49 2 看護・介護・福祉・栄養
50 技術・工学
59 家政学・生活科学
60 産業   

70 美術・建築
76 音楽・舞踏
77 演劇・映画
78 スポーツ・体育
79 諸芸・娯楽

80 言語学  
81 国語・日本語
83 英語   
84 ドイツ語  
85 フランス語
86 スペイン語
87 イタリア語
88 ロシア語
89 その他の諸言語
90 国文学・文学全般   
92 中国文学/その他の東洋文学
93 英米文学 
94 ドイツ文学
95 フランス文学
96 スペイン文学
97 イタリア文学
98 ロシア・ソヴィエト文学
99 その他の諸文学

L1 以前のHP 1



Branches of Government

  • 規  格: DVD(英語音声/英語字幕表示機能付)全3巻(27~35分)
  • 制  作: 米国FMG国際配給 1999年 国内発売 2009年
  • 本体価格: 3巻セット 66,000円(価格改定 2022-07-01)
  • 注文番号: GLA-032-2

 第1巻「大統領府」、第2巻「立法府」、第3巻「司法省と裁判」。各巻27~35分。クローズドキャプション英語字幕表示機能付き。英文チャプタガイド付き。原題: Branches of Government

原題: Branches of Government:
This series describes the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches of American government and how they interact in a system of checks and balances.


The Executive Branch of Government: A Study of Federal and State Government

This fast-paced and informative program shows students how the Constitution established the Executive Branch, and provided for the separation of powers and the relationship of the Executive Branch to the Legislative and Judicial Branches of the federal and state government. Specific roles of the Chief Executive are defined such as Commander-in-Chief, Foreign Policy Director, Legislative Leader, Party Leader, Popular Leader, and Chief of State, interspersed with interviews of state and national Executive Office Staff, Legislators, Media, Historians, and others. In addition, the program explains how the role of the Chief Executive has evolved in terms of its influence and exercise of power since the Constitution was ratified. A Cambridge Educational Production. (30 minutes)


How a Bill Becomes a Law

This program deciphers the legislative process by explaining how an idea metamorphoses into a law. In interviews, prominent legislators and lobbyists explain how a bill is conceived, moved through the House and Senate or killed in committee, amended, prepared for a vote, and sent to the president or governor for a signature. A Cambridge Educational Production. (27 minutes)


The Judicial Branch of Government

This program focuses on the Judicial Branch and its role in government. The Supreme Court’s decisions concerning school desegregation, school prayers, abortion, prison overcrowding, the death penalty, and the rights of criminal defendants are explored. Students see how the Court’s decisions affect their daily lives, how it resolves disputes without bloodshed, how it interprets our laws and explains what they mean, and how it prevents the other branches from abusing their power. A Cambridge Educational Production. (35 minutes)


  メール: info@gaigo.co.jp  TEL: 03-5646-5324  FAX: 03-5646-5325 ⇒ FAX注文票はこちら