

mail: info@gaigo.co.jp  tel: 03-5646-5324

43 化学

00 新刊・新発売


SO 「在庫限り」のDVD

07 ジャーナリズム・マスコミ
10 哲学   
14 心理学  
15 倫理学  
16 宗教   
20 歴史   
21 博物館学
29 地理・地誌・紀行

30 社会科学 
31 政治・法律
32 経済   
33 経営   
37 教育   
38 文化人類学
39 国防・軍事
41 数学
42 物理学  
43 化学
44 天文学・宇宙科学
45 地球科学・地学
46 生物科学・一般生物学
49 医学・薬学
49 2 看護・介護・福祉・栄養
50 技術・工学
59 家政学・生活科学
60 産業   

70 美術・建築
76 音楽・舞踏
77 演劇・映画
78 スポーツ・体育
79 諸芸・娯楽

80 言語学  
81 国語・日本語
83 英語   
84 ドイツ語  
85 フランス語
86 スペイン語
87 イタリア語
88 ロシア語
89 その他の諸言語
90 国文学・文学全般   
92 中国文学/その他の東洋文学
93 英米文学 
94 ドイツ文学
95 フランス文学
96 スペイン文学
97 イタリア文学
98 ロシア・ソヴィエト文学
99 その他の諸文学

L1 以前のHP 1


化学基礎の基礎: 分子・原子・イオン・結合・素粒子 8巻組 英語版


  • 規  格: DVD(英語音声/英語字幕表示機能付) 全8巻(各巻23-40分)
  • 制  作: 米国FMG国際配給
  • 本体価格: 8巻セット 209,000円(価格改定 2022-07-01)
  • 注文番号: GLS-031

Episode 1: The Dawn of Modern Chemistry

This series uses demonstrations and animations to take students on a journey of discovery to explain what we know about atoms—and how we know what we know about atoms. The first episode examines what the ancient Greeks thought about matter, including the four-element theory, Democritus’ atomic theory, and alchemy. By explaining the basics of atoms, students can better understand the chemical reactions which led to their discovery. It also looks at the discovery of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the mid-1700s and explores some of the properties of these gases, including oxygen's vital role in fire.
26 minutes

Episode 2: Oxygen Everywhere

The second episode explores how the discovery of oxygen helped to accelerate the study of chemistry. It examines how hydrogen was discovered and how it was revealed that water is formed when hydrogen and oxygen chemically join together. It then looks at oxygen's role in producing metal oxides from metals, and its role in respiration. The history of the discoveries relating to oxygen is blended with modern chemistry to give students a strong foundation in the scientific method.
23 minutes

Episode 3: The Discovery of Atoms

This title explains the discovery of elements and the Law of Conservation of Mass, using experiments to illustrate or demonstrate these concepts. It shows how discoveries about air pressure increased suspicion that atoms exist. It shows the path to the mathematical conclusion that atoms exist, based on weight ratios of compounds, and shows us how to perform chemical equations.
27 minutes

Episode 4: The Periodic Table

This fourth episode examines the discovery of atoms and the development of the periodic table. By explaining the basics of atoms, students can better understand the chemical reactions which led to their discovery. It also looks at theMendeleev's predictions of atoms that were later confirmed. 32 minutes

Episode 5: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

The fifth episode examines the experiments that lead to the discovery of protons, neutrons, and electrons. By explaining the basics of atoms, students can better understand the chemical reactions which led to their discovery.
39 minutes

Episode 6: Electron Shells

The sixth episode examines the qualities of the electron shell, and the experiments that lead to its discovery. By explaining the basics of atoms, students can better understand the chemical reactions which led to their discovery. It also looks at the arrangement of the periodic table, spectroscopes, and atom size.
35 minutes

Episode 7: Covalent Bonding

Episode 7 explains how the atoms of non-metals bond together with covalent bonds to form molecules. Science teacher Spiro Liacos introduces the concepts of electron dot diagrams, structural formulas, electron configuration, and organic chemistry.
36 minutes

Episode 8: Ionic Bonding

Episode 8 explains how ionic bonds are formed in 3D lattice structures. Spiro Liacos, a science teacher, examines how atoms can gain or lose electrons, and how the number of electrons gained or lost depends on an atom's electron configuration. The program concludes by comparing ionic compounds with covalent compounds, explaining the difference at the atomic level.
40 minutes


  メール: info@gaigo.co.jp  TEL: 03-5646-5324  FAX: 03-5646-5325 ⇒ FAX注文票はこちら